
BCSP Collaboration Webinar - Benefits of Credentialling, Tuesday April 22nd, 2025 at 11 AM EST.

 Webinar Recordings

Click on the Icon to view the webinar. Please find below PPSA’s robust offerings of past webinars. To view the recorded webinar, please click on the PPSA logo. To view the webinar PPT presentation, simply click on the linked webinar title/date/presenter. Be sure to check back periodically for any new offerings that have taken place in 2024.

PPSA 2025 OSHA Update Webinar, January 21st, 2025 at 11 am EST

Pre-Task Risk Assessment, Greg Barnett, November 14th, 2024 at 1pm EST.

Onboarding and Retention Panel Webinar, September 30th, 2024 at 11am EST.

Walking Working Surfaces, Jim Small, Principal Consultant, GETYASOMESAFETY, LLC

Free Resources from the Walking Working Surfaces Webinar

Mill Made Platform Standards

Platforms and Fixed Ladder Inspections

Walking Working Surfaces Audit

Walking Working Surfaces Definitions

"Leveraging AI and Computer Vision to Ensure Employee Safety" with Dr. Nitin Gupta, DoriAI

 HOP Principle 4&5 Context Drives Behavior& Response Matters, 05/13/2024 Linda Bruce, WestRock 

HOP Intro & Principle 3 Blame Learning & Improving is Vital, 04/08/2024                                                               Linda Bruce, WestRock

HOP Intro & Principle 2 Blame Fixes Nothing, 3/11/2024, Linda Bruce,                                                           WestRock

HOP Intro & Principle 1 People Make Mistakes, 2/19/2024, Linda Bruce,                                                   WestRock


PPSA OSHA Updates Webinar, 1/19/2024, Eric Hobbs, Ogletree Deakins





 So…..you have an effective, low risk safety process. Do your employees agree?, November 3rd, 2023, Craig Eckstein, Ensafe



Improving Safety Training – a Hands-On approach

March 29, 2023 at 2:00pm ET





LOTO - Past, Present and Future

Antonio Mares and Shawn Powell, Brady Corporation

August 25, 2022 at 2:00pm ET




Safety Engagement: Why Is It So Elusive?

Rick Spring, SafeStart

May 26 at 2:00pm ET




Reducing Exposure One Decision At A Time
David Musgrave, DEKRA
 April 20, 2022 at 11:00am ET






OSHA Update Webinar
Click here for Slides
Thursday, January 27th, 2022 at 11 AM ET







Who Really Owns Human and Organizational Performance (HOP)?- David Musgrave, DEKRA
Click here for Slides
Thursday, July, 29th, 2021 at 12 PM ET





The Hidden Risk in Emergency Response in the Pulp and Paper Industry- ANSI/ISEA Z359.1-2014- American National Standard for Eye Wash and Shower Equipment
 Click here for Slides
 Tuesday, June, 15th, 2021 at 2 PM ET





 Fundamentals of Ergonomic Strategy
 Click here for Slides
 Thursday, April, 8th, 2021 at 2 PM ET



 PPSA OSHA Update with Eric Hobbs
Tuesday, February 2nd, 2021 at 11 AM ET





COVID-19 Related OSHA Citations --Control Measures, Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements

Thursday, December 9th, 2020  




Contractor Webinar Series Session 1: Serious Injuries and Fatalities: What they are and how to prevent them

Tuesday, November 10, 2020 11:00 am ET 

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 Contractor Webinar Series Session 2: Hazard Recognition for SIF Reduction

Thursday, November 12th, 2020  

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Keys to Transforming Organizational Performance.

August 27, 2020 2:00 pm ET 




 2020 New Technology Showcase Session 2

August 6th, 2020 at 2:00 pm ET

Presentations of new technologies from our vendor members including Webnettraing, Benetech, Ensafe, and Panduit.

This is session 2 of 2. 


2020 New Technology Showcase Session 1

July 30th, 2020 at 2:00 pm ET

Presentations of new technologies from our vendor members including: ISN*, Safety Hive, Healthy Roster, ConformIT.

This is session 1 of 2.

*redacted from the recording

Getting Safety Right - Advanced Topics in SIF Prevention
April 20th, 2020 at 11:00 am EST

Building upon the November 7, 2019 webinar on SIF Prevention, join us to discuss additional topics that help drive a more mature SIF Prevention process. Topics in this webinar include:
1. SIF Precursor extraction tool
2. SIF Leading Indicators – what are organizations measuring
3. Learning from Incidents – building an atmosphere of learning

PPSA Coronavirus Update
March 30th, 2020 at 2:00 pm EST

*Disclaimer: This information was presented on 3/30/2020. Please refer to federal and local guidelines for the most current details.



February 20th, 2020 at 2:00 PM EST





Getting Safety Right - First Prevent Serious and Fatal Injuries

November 7th 2019 at11:00 am EST
Companies in every industry implement many initiatives to improve safety results. Too often, those initiatives are aimed at the most frequent injuries and miss the injuries that are most severe – serious injuries & fatalities (SIF’s). Join an informative webinar to learn about how the Henrich Triangle from the 1930’s is no longer an accurate predictor of injury severity. Learn how to evaluate your SIF Prevention maturity and what you can do to improve your process. Management’s credibility hinges largely on what your employees perceive as the organization’s commitment to SIF prevention.

New Findings on Serious Injury and Fatality Prevention






Emergency Preparedness

June 6th 2019 at 2:00 pm EST





May 15th 2019 at 2:00 pm EST




Winder Safety Upgrades

April 11th 2019 at 2:00 pm EST



HPI Implementation Webinar
February 19th 2019 at 2:00 pm EST
Numerous companies have voiced concerns about not being able to implement the Human Performance philosophy as advertised. Concerns about Sr Mgt buy in, Just Culture, what HPI tools work and don't work, etc.. Join us for a Back to Basics review of what companies are doing that are having success with implementing Human Performance. Less is Sometimes Better! To error is human, to Manage Human Error is Human Performance.

Power Industrial Trucks Webinar
January 24, 2019
2:00PM EST
OSHA statistics repeatedly show high numbers of forklift-related injuries and fatalities each year. Of those, many involve people being caught between trucks, run over by a forklift or crushed between a forklift and a surface, which are avoidable with the right process in place. This webinar is centered on reducing potential risks between forklifts and pedestrians in a manufacturing or distribution facility through a comprehensive process designed to measure and minimize risk.

A Year-End OSHA Update
December 12, 2018
2:00PM EST

OSHA's been a bit listless this past year, but it's not lifeless. From silica to electronic recordkeeping/recording to drug testing and safety incentive programs to a new SST national emphasis program, this webinar will include a review of the highlights of OSHA's activity over the past 11 months and some of the important cases the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission and the courts have decided regarding the standard for repeat citations, the PSM Standard, the lawfulness of some construction standards, and more.

Recent Developments in Pulp and Paper PSM
July 24, 2018
2:00PM EST

This webinar explored the recent CSB recommendation and developments in PSM during the “Recent Developments in Pulp & Paper PSM” webinar and provided practical advice on how companies should consider these issues. It was presented by Devon Downs from Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP and Dr. Trey Morrison, PE from Exponent.

Building an Effective Safety Committee

April 26, 2018
2:00PM EST

This webinar covered how to design, select, and develop a safety committee to maximize their impact on safety culture and safety results.  We have all witnessed safety committees that don’t work and often complicate and conflict with the safety vision and mission of the organization.  This webinar will help you identify the pitfalls of committee failure and align those safety committees to perform beyond expectation and help you and the organization continue to progress toward a true injury free culture.

Surveys That Produce Insights

February 28, 2018
2:00PM EST

This webinar will provide a ‘behind-the-scenes’ look at creating surveys that work.  You will learn about the psychology of survey response, why it’s important to start with the end in mind, the basics of survey design and how to maximize response rates. Join us if you feel your organization can improve the quality of their surveys to get more actionable data and walk away with some actions you can take immediately.

Machine Guarding
September 7, 2017
2:00PM EST

This webinar helped put some practicality to machine guarding, thus reducing the arguments against properly implementing machine safety guarding systems. It also highlighted some of the common thoughts and practices in machine safety integration as it pertains to both US and international safety standards. It was presented by Jim Darrow and Nancy Garry from HRP Associates.

Recent Research and Advances in Serious Injury and Fatality Prevention
May 9, 2017
11:00AM EST

This webinar reviewed findings from a cross-functional study group comprised of some of the largest and safest companies in the world that counter traditional safety beliefs and how these findings have created as seismic shift in safety and human performance for the oil and gas, utilities, mining, and transportation industries. It was presented by James Grant - Dekra Insight.

Predictive Analytics
March 9, 2017
2:00PM EST

This session highlights how organizations are successfully benchmarking leading indicators derived from safety observations they collect to effectively reduce—and prevent—hazardous conditions and behaviors in the workplace. Additionally, we will discuss the use of predictive analytics and how computer modeling can help safety professionals more easily identify and mitigate risk. The key take away from this session will be to set up internal benchmarking expectations so that data collected can be used to drive continuous improvement.  It was presented by Cary Usrey - Predictive Solutions.

Human Performance Improvement
January 18, 2017
2:00PM EST

This webinar is an introductory course that covers topics ranging from why we as humans are fallible, how we can predict “error likely situations”, how to identify Error Precursors that increase the likelihood of making an error, what simple (but highly effective) tools are available to manage errors, and finally how to defend against the consequences of errors.  It was presented by Shane Bush - BushCo, Inc.

Improving Winder Safety 

August 3, 2016
11:00AM EST

Included in the discussion was information regarding guards, fencing, E-stops, electrical and fluid control improvements, mechanical holding devices, threading and splicing modifications and automation. It was presented by Tom Wochenske and Leland Salvo - Valmet

TAPPI and Valmet were the host of this webinar and were the Subject Matter Experts.

OSHA's New Electronic Reporting Regulation and Its Ramifications for Employers

July 13, 2016
2:00PM EST

This webinar is designed to consider the new regulation, its expanded and new requirements and its significant ramifications for employers. It was presented by Eric E. Hobbs, Attorney and Strategic Advisor - Ogletree Deakins

Preventing Fatalities and Serious Injuries - Strategies and Lessons Learned

April 28, 2016
2:00PM EST

This webinar is designed for anyone to increase their level of understanding around preventing fatalities and serious injuries. It was presented by Steve Borkowski, President - Borkowski and Associates, LLC


Combustible Dust

February 24, 2016
2:00PM EST

This webinar is for anyone who needs to increase their level of understanding around combustible dust and become more knowledgeable about the ways to safeguard their facility. It was presented by Jason Reason, Combustible Dust Consultant/Industrial Hygienist - Lewellyn Technology.


May 19, 2015
11:00AM EST

This webinar will cover new changes and tips on implementing the NFPA 70E Standard at you’re facility. Presented by Jay Smith, Executive VP, Lewellyn Technology, this presentation will highlight how compliance can save lives, reduce liability, and help avoid unexpected downtime and revenue loss.

OSHA Recordkeeping

November 19, 2014
11:00AM EST

This webinar gives you a basic overview of OSHA Recordkeeping rules and regulations presented by Eric Barnes, International Paper and Eric Hobbs, Michael Best & Friedrich LLP.

Session 2: Hazard Recognition for SIF Reduction